We have recently migrated to the latest version of our TMS package. With the necessary preparations, testing and a great team, the migration went smoothly.

We have recently migrated to the latest version of our TMS package. With the necessary preparations, testing and a great team, the migration went smoothly. We can now use the latest functionalities of IXSuite, the revised ferry integrations and the connection with our customs agents.

Besides these functionalities we can now also implement the latest general developments of IXSuite 2021.2 and start using the standard cloud solution.

With these functionalities we continue to guarantee quality, reliability and flexibility in the future.  

We would like to thank Ixolution for the smooth cooperation before, during and after the migration!

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Certified transportation

As a certified transporter, we meet the highest requirements in terms of quality assurance, health, safety, security, cleaning and environmental services.  Read more »

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